Small Business


The complete guide for creating the best loyalty program for SMB’s

Most SMB’s have the same basic goal – to increase their income. If this sounds right to you, a good loyalty program can help you increase retention, sales, and revenue. It takes much of your time and budget to attract new clients while retaining clients is the best course of […]

Announcing bobile’s collaborations with Shutterstock

Take your app branding to the next level bobile is pleased to announce a new collaboration with Shutterstock – a leading global provider of high-quality licensed photographs, vectors, and illustrations with over 250 million images available. The entire Shutterstock collection will be available to bobile’s clients for a one-time payment of $99 […]

Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Loyalty Points for Small Business?

  Nowadays, loyalty programs are among the main foundations of any marketing strategy. They come in many shapes and sizes but essentially, they have all the same objective: retaining customers. So what are loyalty points? Loyalty programs are marketing strategies designed to encourage customers to engage with a brand, to […]

Local Marketing Ideas for Restaurants

The internet and the mobile age offer many advantages for local business owners and in particular the dining industry. The success of social media, video content and mobile apps make it easier than ever to promote businesses in the food industry with little to zero costs. Here are a few […]

Developing Branded Relationships Using Emotions

Emotional branding is based on the observation that “People buy on emotion and justify with logic”. Businesses have realized that it is not enough to push and advertise a company’s products or services; it is necessary to develop relationships between the brand and its clients. These relationships are emotion-based and […]

How Customer Loyalty Influences Companies’ Profits

Everywhere there is talk about the importance of customer loyalty; it is the current marketing buzzword, especially in online marketing. But is it really so important? Is there any data or statistics that back up this assumption? Continue reading to learn more about the relationship between loyal customers and the […]

What Drives Customers’ Loyalty?

What drives customers’ loyalty is the key question in modern marketing, especially since the internet and mobile revolution, which is still happening as we write. The business or the company that succeeds in answering this riddle – and to act upon the answer – will get on top. Companies that […]

How to turn your one-time clients into returning clients

Being a successful business is more than just getting people to download your app or buy a product from you. The difference between a lucky start and a success story lies in the ability to turn one-time visitors into returning, loyal clients. A steady stream of revenue is crucial to […]

Types of Small Business Relationships

No business is an island. By definition, a business involves ties and relationships with various elements, from suppliers to clients and everything in between. In our interconnected digital age, where everything is on the internet and everyone is on social media, you need to invest in building and maintaining relationships, […]

How to measure brand relationship with clients

One of the (many) components that have changed in recent years in the business-consumer equation is the consumers’ self-image. They are more informed, well aware of the multiplicity of choices facing them, they recognize quality in products and services, and they’re much less patient than ever before. In this changing […]