Engage with clients

How to use mobile to build better relationships with clients?

A bobile app is a powerful tool. It can serve as a revenue stream, a way to keep clients updated and a channel for acquiring new clients. But what many entrepreneurs, unfortunately, don’t see is the power of a mobile app as a tool for building long-lasting relationships with clients. How can you […]

How to turn your one-time clients into returning clients

Being a successful business is more than just getting people to download your app or buy a product from you. The difference between a lucky start and a success story lies in the ability to turn one-time visitors into returning, loyal clients. A steady stream of revenue is crucial to […]

Live Chat

Offer quick customer service with a personal touch. Don’t ever miss a sale again. Our Live Chat feature enables you to be available for clients to contact you with in-app messaging. Resolve issues quickly and efficiently, gather user feedback, address clients’ requests, and provide personalized client support. Grow your sales […]

Members Club

Create exclusive club access for members Treat your app users like VIP clients with special incentives and rewards. Gather important details and send birthday treats, special invitations, exclusive updates, and more. In the Members Club section, you can manage your clients’ and prospects’ information and actions. Members – your database of […]

How can bobile help me with creating a Branded Relationships Builder for my business?

You are spending most of your time and energy to get clients through your door for the first time, but how do you turn this into a longterm relationship? bobile helps you to overcome your knowledge gap and lack of resources to do what enterprises do on regular bases to keep their clients. bobile’s Branded Relationships Builder enables […]