Alerts Editor & Notifications

The app’s goal is to encourage clients to perform actions related to the business, using the app. The business owner sets up coupons, special offers, products, and bookings in order to engage clients and expand his business by offering it.

The business owner will need the app as long as he feels it expands his business and gives him value.

The way to do that is to keep informing him about any action that taking place on his app. The business owner will receive a push notification and an email every time a client installs the app, redeems a coupon, order a product and books an appointment.

In addition, the business owner will also receive an email and a push notification regarding news and updates about his app, for example when his app is launched on an app store.

Note: the business owner must install the bobile Admin App and login in order to receive these push notifications.

Alerts are email alerts and push notifications you can send to your clients. You can edit the design and the content of these alerts.

Go to setting, and “my account”



Under the tab “Alerts editor” – you can see all the alerts options – emails and notifications. You can edit them by clicking the editor icon:



Here you can edit the design and content of your alerts:


Don’t forget to click “Save” when you are done.

