How to redeem a Punch Pass

A Punch Pass can be redeemed is a few ways –

  • Triggered by a purchase/booking within the app – a redeem will be triggered by an action within the app such as booking a class
  • Scanning the QR code in the app – the Punch Pass will be scanned using a QR code reader in the Admin App
  • An entry is updated manually in the Workspace – from the client entry in the Members Club section within the workspace

Learn how to create and cancel or pause a Punch Pass

To manually redeem the Punch Pass, cancel, pause it, or see the clients’ activities, go to the “Offers” section in the workspace, and ” Punch Pass” tab. In the Punch Pass, go to the “Clients” tab to see the clients who bought this Punch Pass.  Click on the plus sign next to the client’s name to open all his actions:





To manually add an entry, pause or cancel the Punch Pass, click on the 3 dots menu on the left:



You will be able to add an entry, pause (and later resume) or cancel the Punch Pass:



Write whatever you wish to mark the entry  –



You can also do this through the Members Club. Go to the Members Club on the left menu, and from on the Members tab, find the client. Go to the Punch Passes part, and click on the 3 dots menu on the left side add an entry, pause or cancel:



You can also scan the QR code in the clients’ app using a QR code reader (found in the “my account section or in the opening page):



The client will see their Punch Passes on the home page if you chose the Subscription layout or in the “my account” section:



