(English) How to add Punch Passes

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Offer your clients Punch Passes to sell goods or services on a recurring basis. Punch Passes are great for bringing in recurring and predictable revenue stream.

The e-commerce Punch Passe model offers retailers several operational benefits, including relatively better marketing results, higher client retention rates, improved margins, and easy inventory management.

The Punch Passe can be for services, products, group bookings, or whatever you wish, and limit it as needed.

Learn how to redeem a Punch Passe or cancel

To create a Punch Passe, go to the Offers section on the left menu, and the Punch Passes tab.

Here you can view your active Punch Passes, hide (by clicking the eye icon), delete or edit an existing one.

To create a new Punch Passes, click the plus sign:



What are the offering details, and what can clients use this Punch Passe for – mobile shop items, meetings, and group meeting or whatever you wish. Once you select the type, connect specific items (product, meetings, etc.)





The interaction between the business and the clients – set how the Punch Passe will be used – from the app, by scanning a QR code, or manually from your desktop workspace. You can check multiple options.



Offering – how many passes do you offer and the total price of the pass:



Expiration: is the punch pass going to be valid for an unlimited time, limited for X numbers of days/weeks/months/years from the purchase, or valid between certain dates:



Disclaimer – any other rules you wish to add to this Punch pass



Set the usage limitation – unlimited access during the period of the Punch Pass or  limited to a number of times per day/week/month/year):



Visual Style – the cover image of the Punch Pass:



Your clients will see their Punch Passes in the “My Account” section in their app:



Here they can see the usage of the Punch Pass, make it their primary Punch Pass (in the homepage of the app):


