(English) Invite a friend – Share your app

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The Utilities Tab under the Edit App Section:

Utilities is a menu section on your app, where you can enable clients to share the app with their friends:



There are two available sharing options:

Share – clients can invite whoever they want by sending an installation link. Write here the text to appear beside the link.

Referral Program – Turn your clients into your advocates and hit your growth goals! Encourage your clients to invite whoever they wish and gain points for each action taken by users who installed and use the app.

The number of the earned point from inviting a fried are 1 point for each cent for the amount of 2% of the purchase.




In your mobile app, clients will be able to invite friends by going into the Members Zone – under «Invite a Friend» – the invitation can be via email, Whatsapp, sharing on social media and more:


