bobile's mobile app creator is now part of Glue

Push Notifications

Increase engagement with the business
and improve user retention rates

With bobile’s easy-to-use push message tool, business owners can create, schedule, and send push messages.

Capture clients’ attention and keep them engaged with updates, incentives, reminders, and promotions.

Send relevant messages to all users, or use our targeting tool to create tailormade messages based on user purchases or interests.


Send personalized offers to clients and engage them on their birthday, holidays, and other special occasions. Share holiday specials, exclusive deals and special events to build up excitement.


Set default times to send daily/weekly/monthly/annually customized reminders once clients book appointments. Whether to remind a trainee to drink water, or that it’s time for their routine checkup, push notification reminders is the best method to do so.

Location Based

Tailor messages and send them at the right time and place. Use marketing personalization and boost in-store traffic by sending push notifications to users who are located in the radius of the business’ location.


  • Let clients know about seasonal offers and discounts through their smartphones.
  • Keep clients engaged with updates and promotions. Promote coupons, loyalty cards,
    products or
    customized promotions with PDF files, images, links,
    videos, audios and more.
  • Share new content and features, news, updates about the business, and more.